How to Beat the Afternoon Slump

Dolly Parton famously sang about working nine to five. However, she left out the verse about how to beat the dreaded afternoon slump. It’s very common for people to plow through the morning, but after lunch, feel a crash in energy levels. Dr. Anthoy Reffi, a behavioral sleep specialist at Henry Ford Health says. “Our body’s natural circadian rhythm […] sends signals to the brain during the day to help keep us alert, awake, and sharp. Around lunchtime, there’s a dip in these signals that can make us feel sleepy.” Just after midnight is the other time of day when our circadian rhythm sends us signals to sleep.

When you combine this natural drop in energy with a meal, it’s no wonder we feel lethargic. Dr. Reffi explains this has to do with sleep debt or the amount of time we’ve been awake. “The longer we go without, the stronger our drive for sleep becomes. And by the time we hit mid-afternoon, we’ve already gone several hours without sleep.”

Fortunately, there are some things we can do to help minimize the afternoon slump when it comes for us. The first step is to stay away from caffeine. Caffeine is a drug, and the more used to it our body becomes, the more it’s going to require for the same results. Caffeine should be a morning drink, and as the day goes on there are other things we can do to get a boost. Exercise, spending time in the sunshine, and getting enough sleep (7 to 9 hours) can all help.

Drinking water can also help with the crash. Most of us don’t drink enough water each day, which can leave us dehydrated, which in turn, makes us feel sluggish. If you’re still craving coffee, try an herbal tea instead. They can scratch the hot coffee itch and energize us with their refreshing aroma.

A healthy snack, instead of a candy bar or some other sugary snack, can also help when feeling sluggish. A candy bar can help with a temporary burst of energy, but a healthy snack, such as fruit and peanut butter or low-fat yogurt and berries can help us feel energized without the crash. Listening to music while snacking can help with sluggish feelings as well. A playlist of peppy music can lift our mood and energy level much more than instrumental music.

Looking for more ways to beat the slump? Try chewing gum. Gum can improve alertness and increase happiness, according to one study. And according to a study from Japan, looking at pictures of cute animals can boost our mood and increase productivity. Finally, improving your posture can boost stamina and reduce stress.

The best way to beat the afternoon slump is to prevent it. Getting enough sleep is easier said than done. Begin by keeping a consistent bedtime and wake-up schedule. If you must snooze, only push the button once. Too many times can lead to more grogginess. If your afternoon slumps are intense, you can get tested for a sleep disorder. Insomnia and sleep apnea can lead to excessive sleepiness.

Do you suffer from an afternoon slump? If so, try making some positive changes in your life. You may be surprised at how much better you feel.