Author: fdfdfddd

How to Beat the Afternoon Slump

Dolly Parton famously sang about working nine to five. However, she left out the verse about how to beat the dreaded afternoon slump. It’s very common for people to plow through the morning, but after lunch, feel a crash in energy levels. Dr. Anthoy Reffi, a behavioral sleep specialist at Henry Ford Health says. “Our […]

Changes to Help Prevent Mail Fraud

Fraud and scams are becoming more and more prominent which makes it harder to know what’s real and what’s not. To help protect people from identity theft, the US Postal Service has enhanced its protocols to request a change of address, requiring additional identification methods. These changes were made to address identity theft concerns globally […]

Intrusive Thoughts

From time to time, we can all suffer from intrusive thoughts, but some of us are plagued by them on a daily if not hourly, occurrence. These thoughts can cause great distress and seem to come from nowhere. The nature of intrusive thoughts varies from person to person. For some, it can be committing a […]